Hello World
Date: 2023-09-08
Hello World
If you're reading this you are looking at my 4th attempt at trying to create a presence on the internet. I set up a simply gatby page during my first year at LTH but never really found myself using it to put out any writing. Even though I want to believe that I value the act of expressing thought in text, I have never really been that proficient in doing it.
The site went unused for a couple of months before I rewrote it using the rust frontend library yew. Despite being a good exercise in building something nonconventional with rust it did not really serve its purpose as a blog at all. I had no good way of taking prose and generating sites out of it (without doing some markdown to html conversion myself and then injecting it between my webassembly driven rust components).
And like this I went back and forth between various libraries and static site generators hoping to someday actually fulfill the literary dreams of my manifesto writing, philosophy consuming teenage self. Here I sit though, three years later, without more than a handful of articles ever written (none of which are accessible on this site, or that have survived the rm -rf
This time though, there are a couple of factors that I believe improve the odds of me actually making this whole writing thing into a practice:
- I have matured a bit. While I still have quite a sporadic and undirected attention I do feel that my capacity to direct my efforts during these last years have increased. I guess this is just an aspect of my prefrontal cortex coalescing a bit.
- I no longer work part time alongside my full time studies. During my third year I worked part time as a consultant essentially doing fullstack development in a variety of languages, tools and frameworks. While I certainly gained a lot from the experience, my studies and ability to spend time with my own creative endeavors definitely suffered.
- I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel with a fully custom site.
This, combined with some ideas I have for fun projects to code and articles to write mean that I do feel like I can actually populate this site with something. If I actually do, of course, is left to be seen.